Foody Bliss

Out of all the happiness in this world, the most profound is the happiness of food. Your eyes light up with joy when you see your pizza arriving at a restaurant. Your senses fill with delight when after a long tiring day of work you reach home and the fragrance of biryaani surrounds you. Your heart skips a beat when you pass by a bakery and see an incredibly beautiful chocolate truffle cake on the window, your mouth starts to water just by the mention of your favorite street food. When somewhere-someday you hear about a regional delicacy your mom used to make and it takes you down the memory lane to your childhood. Christmas reminds us of cake, holi of gujhiyas and eid of sheer- khurma. And, admit it we all attend weddings only to enjoy good food you’ll get to eat.

If you too have gone through these feelings too, If food  for you is synonym for love, nostalgia, delight, calmness, satisfaction, a way of life, you live and breath for food.Then my friend, you are a true- blue foody and you’re officially in the ecstatic phase called “foodybliss”.

Welcome to Foody Bliss! A wonderland dedicated to the happiness of cooking and eating food. Here we share ultimate food stories, easy- peasy meal ideas, food trends, restaurant reviews and lip- smackingly delicious food recipes ranging from mughlai to continental to home cooked comfort food to the age old grandma’s recipes. I bet you would not want to miss any bit of it. So, stay tuned as a delicious ride is about to begin…..